Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

Are men better liars?

Shakespeare once wrote: 'Love all, trust a few' - but a recent survey shows that when it comes to blokes, whatever you do, don't believe them. His pants are definitely on fire. (Sorry, boys!) The Bard must...

A long history of male grooming

The female of the species has a reputation for vanity which far exceeds that of their male counterparts, but history has a different story to tell. In the early 2000s, a new kind of heterosexual...

The Elegant Gentleman’s Guide to Manscaping

Having always left my manscaping requirements to professionals, I was a little cautious about having a crack at what I perceived to be such a dangerous operation myself. But my fears were soon allayed. One...

Special delivery from Manscaped

No matter how much hair we have, most of us have at least considered the manscaping option if we haven't tackled it already. A recent Men’s Health revealed that 62% of men trim or...

Beard grooming made easy

The guys in the CosBeauty team have loved the products from Manscaped from the first time we saw them, especially the beautifully designed hardware. So it was easy to find a volunteer to test...