Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

All about veneers

Regardless of what causes unattractive teeth, dental veneers can solve a range of cosmetic dental issues and create a white, straight ‘Hollywood’ smile. Dental veneers are custom-designed wafer-thin shells of tooth-like material that, when...

Female hair loss

The most common type of hair loss in women is female androgenetic alopecia (female pattern baldness). According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, it occurs in about 20 percent of American women overall. For...

Male pattern baldness

According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, it is estimated that 35 million men in the United States are affected by male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia. ‘Andro’ refers to the androgens (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone)...

Hair transplant surgery

Australian hair loss specialist Dr Russell Knudsen explains how hair transplant surgery restores healthy hair to the scalp: In a market place dominated by advertising rather than science, it can be very confusing to wade...

Male breast reduction

Gynecomastia (male breasts) is a common condition that is usually a result of an imbalance of hormones in the body. The condition may occur in one or both breasts. The enlarged breast consists of...

Volumising injectables

Volumisers (also called biostimulators) differ from dermal fillers in that they stimulate the patient’s skin to produce more of its own collagen and elastin over a period of weeks or months, to gradually restore...

What’s a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. The procedure suits those with problems such as excessive skin laxity (looseness), excess fat and laxity of the abdominal wall...

Ear reduction (otoplasty)

Affecting around one in 20 people, overly large ears often result in a significant aesthetic and psychological handicap. Indeed, prominent or protruding ears can wreak havoc in young lives, causing many to seek an...

Chin, cheek and jaw implants

Available in a wide range of sizes suitable for the cheek, jaw, nose and chin, facial implants are designed to restore the contours and proportion of the face, which may be left depleted by...

What’s a thread lift?

Today, surgeons are equipped with a repertoire of procedures aimed at rejuvenating facial features. One technique used to lift sagging features – typically in the mid-face – to create a fresher, more contoured look,...