Morning routine set? Studies have shown that implementing a morning routine can reduce anxiety and boost feelings of calmness. A morning routine is also said to improve productivity and boost your health and happiness.

With this in mind, and because it’s International Women’s Day, we thought we’d share our top tips for a morning routine, as well as uncover the start-the-day secrets of some of Australia’s most successful women.

Rina Timpano founder of Rinascentia®

Starting the day on the right foot helps me be more productive. It is like building the foundations the right way for your home. As they say, making your bed accomplishes the first task of the day. It helps discipline myself to do the same throughout the day.

My day starts around 6-7 a.m. by being mindful. This starts with how I fix my bed, making sure it is all tucked and no creases. I like things to look pretty so I have beautiful cushions. I’m proud of the way I style it. This is followed by 30-60 minutes of meditation.

Rina Timpano

Being a coffee drinker, I will have my coffee while preparing myself mentally and feeling gratitude. I may listen to empowering podcasts or sometimes just sit quietly. This is my time! I only pick up my phone and check emails after 9am.

Brittany Bennett, Founder and Director of Bennett PR

I have got myself into the bad habit of starting my day with a “coffee nap” and now literally can’t function if I don’t do it. It’s something I swear by though. I wake up 35 minutes before I need to, have a big glass of water while I make an instant coffee. I have a few sips, feed my dog Pikachu, have some more water and then go back to bed for 30 minutes. I learnt about 30-minute naps back when I used to live with a flight attendant, and I figured it would be more effective if I included coffee into the routine. I was right and have been doing this for over a decade now.

When my second alarm goes off, I get up and do a workout. I alternate between BFT and Mode Pilates. Love them both for different reasons. When I am done, I try to get as many steps as I can before I start work. I can usually get up to 7, 000. It’s better for me to do as much as I can in the morning. I try to get a minimum of 10K every day but by the end of the day I am usually pretty tired.

With my morning routine I often have a lot of energy until around 4pm. If I start to feel that I am slumping, I do a quick 5-minute meditation or deep breathing exercise using the Soul Alive app. It works a treat!

Melody Shiue, Chief Design Officer and Co-Founder of Bodymapp

Starting the day with a positive mindset helps me stay focused and productive throughout the day. This starts with a positive bedtime routine the night before. I practise gratitude before falling asleep. It could be as simple as cherishing the fact that I have a comfortable bed to sleep on. This helps me to wake up with a positive mindset each morning. I always aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep.

My day starts with a glass of warm water for hydration and to kick my digestion into gear. If time allows, I’ll play some music to boost some dopamine as I cleanse and get dressed. I like to have a light, healthy breakfast each morning. Big breakfasts can make me feel sluggish. I’m lucky enough to live close to work, so I walk to the office every day. This helps me get my steps up, wakes me up and switches my brain on for the day. I get a good dose of sunshine and endorphins.

Melody Shiue

CosBeauty’s Top Tips To Kickstart Your Day

Wake up at the same time each day

This isn’t always easy, and it pretty much depends on your going to bed at the same time each night. It helps your body establish a rhythm and will make getting out from under the covers much easier.

Pre-prepare breakfast

Skipping breakfast is not a great idea, but if your morning routine is a tight one, sometimes this falls by the wayside. Pre-prepare by having some light options at the ready, such as oven-roasted tomatoes, a boiled egg, avocado and smoked salmon. You can keep these in the fridge and make yourself a healthy breakfast bowl in no time. Add some quinoa that you’ve pre-cooked if you prefer a bigger breaky.

Get in some exercise

This is such an important way to start the day – even if it’s a 10 minute walk around the block. Get some sunshine on your skin and get your heart rate pumping. It’ll boost your fitness and your mood. Keep your workout gear next to your bed so you can get straight up and moving!

No devices in the bedroom

Keep your phone charging in the kitchen or another room of the house. Be sure to have it on ‘Do Not Disturb’ to prevent push notifications and text messages waking you through the night. Don’t immediately scroll your phone first thing in the morning, either. As tempting as it is, your newsfeeds can wait. Set a designated time each day to read news, check social media and answer your emails.

Drink water first thing

Do this before you reach for your cup of coffee. In fact, if you can avoid caffeine altogether, better still.


You can even do this while you’re still in bed. Raise your arms above your head, touch your toes, use that beautiful body that you were blessed with. If you’re a yogi, or even new to the practise, try some inversions in the morning. A headstand or handstand can boost blood flow around the body and help you think more clearly. Always do this against a wall and only if you feel confident and safe to do so. CBM

Shonagh Walker is one of Australia's most prolific and respected lifestyle writers, covering everything from health and beauty to travel and entertainment. In her 30+ year career she has interviewed some of the world's most famous faces, covered stories from the lighthearted to the very serious, all with the aim of somehow helping her readers feel better about themselves, or arming them with information to enjoy life to the fullest. Shonagh is the recipient of several prestigious awards for her work. On the rare day she is not at her computer, she can be found walking her dogs or trying to improve her gardening skills.