Combat the appearance of cellulite by fuelling your diet with these nine super foods.
Cellulite is one of the most frustrating aesthetic concerns. Seemingly impervious to exercise, the dimpled skin appearance can detract from even the healthiest of figures. There have been several regimes, wonder treatments and alternative therapies touted to reduce the appearance of cellulite, yet the success of these endeavours remains unclear and elusive.
Although there are a range of device and treatments, one way to combat the “orange peel” appearance of cellulite is to optimise the foods we fuel our body with. What goes into the body can contribute to skin integrity, fat composition and circulatory drainage, all factors that affect the appearance and pervasiveness of cellulite.
1. Oily Fish
Fish oil benefits skin, hair and nail health. The essential fatty acids in fish help strengthen the lipid membranes in the dermis, reinforcing the skin’s integrity from within.
According to some experts, cellulite stems from a weakness in the collagen fibres of the skin’s deeper layers, which causes bulges of fat to appear on the surface.
Fish oil can help counter this by strengthening the skin and fuelling the body with high concentrations of proteins and minerals.
2. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits, particularly oranges, can help ward off cellulite by delivering Vitamin C. This helps improve skin elasticity and rebuild and repair the skin from within. Oranges also contain methoxylated flavones, which are natural antioxidants effective in reducing inflammation and helping the liver process cholesterol and blood fats.
3. Broccoli
When the body ingests sweets, sugar molecules attach to collagen fibres to form harmful products called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These cause the collagen fibres to become hardened and brittle, contributing to skin wrinkling by weakening the dermis. Broccoli contains lipoic acids, which help prevent the formation of AGEs and maintain the skin’s integrity – effective in anti-ageing and cellulite busting regimes.
4. Green Tea
Those cups of herbal goodness contain rich quantities of catechins, which help inhibit the breakdown of collagen and maintain strong, firm skin. The ingredients in green tea may also help prevent the expansion of fat cells, stopping them from pushing against the underlying dermis. Also, the small amount of caffeine helps flush toxins from the body and dehydrates fat cells, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
These little seeds are jam-packed with antioxidants and are said to help strengthen weakened tissue, improving the appearance of cellulite. A source of Vitamin E, potassium and zinc, as well as Vitamin B6, sunfl ower seeds are believed to help metabolise those proteins that strengthen and repair connective tissue. They’re also considered a natural diuretic, ridding the body of excess water that can make cellulite more visible.
9. Water
When it comes to cellulite, the benefits of eight glasses a day are definitely not mythical. Water helps plump the skin, making it look thicker and more supple. By camouflaging cellulite, and helping flush those stored toxins from the body, water is essential in busting cellulite and smoothing the skin. CBM