Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

Morpheus8 review: my RF microneedling experience

One patient shares her story about her Morpheus8 treatment for skin rejuvenation... By the time I reached my mid-30s, the results of a life spent under the harsh sun in Florida, and later Queensland’s Sunshine...

Sydney mother-son duo launches fragrance brand, UULA

Introducing UULA, a premium niche fragrance brand founded on the shores of Sydney's Northern Beaches. This innovative collection is the creation of Tandy and Kyle, a mother-son duo who embarked on a unique journey...

Eye makeup tips & tricks for every age

Eye makeup can be a powerful tool in your beauty toolkit, helping you to enhance your natural features and express your individuality and evolving style as you journey through life. In your 20s, experimentation is...

How to look 10 years younger (we have living proof)

To look at her you wouldn’t believe it, but Skin Renu clinic owner Sally Mahony is turning 70 next year. So naturally we had to ask her secrets to finding the fountain of youth.  At...
Dietary measures can slow ageing

Dietary measures can slow ageing

A major 2023 study has reported ‘acting on diet is one of the most accessible ways to intervene in human ageing’. A team of European researchers has identified 12 key indicators ‘which are measurable processes...

And Just Like That

And Just Like That is gracing our screens again and we’re loving every perfectly styled moment. We thought we’d celebrate some of our fave looks on the original cast members of Sex and the...

CosBeauty Magazine #101

Issue 101 of CosBeauty Magazine the authoritative, number-one magazine dedicated to lifestyle, health and beauty, is now available. Read it for free here!
The changing face of Barbie

The changing face of Barbie

From big hair, pouting lips and more than 150 careers under her belt, Barbie’s evolution has marked the social trends from 1959 until today, and now she is a star of the big screen! Over...

Microdermabrasion vs Hydrodermabrasion

If, like most of us, your skin’s feeling a little parched or lacklustre and in desperate need of a glow-up (thanks, winter!), you can’t go wrong with a little professional-grade exfoliation. These days, you would...
skincare products for hydrating Winter skin

70+ skincare products for hydrating Winter skin

Is your skin stressed out? Dehydrated by frosty winds and indoor heaters? Say bye-bye to scaly skin with these thirst-quenching skin hydrators. During the winter months, dry skin can be a real conundrum. Cold, dry...