Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

9 Cellulite fighting foods

Combat the appearance of cellulite by fuelling your diet with these nine super foods. Cellulite is one of the most frustrating aesthetic concerns. Seemingly impervious to exercise, the dimpled skin appearance can detract from even...
Manly Pacific Vista

Manly’s newest wellness retreat

Are you ready to escape to the sun meets the sea and wellness takes centre stage? Look no further than the newly refurbished Manly Pacific Hotel, located just footsteps away from the stunning Manly...
mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet slows ageing of brain

Following a Mediterranean-style diet slows the rate at which the brain shrinks by five years, research suggests. The study indicates a diet consisting of fruit and vegetables, fish and olive oil but little red...

Achieve your Spring fitness goals

You're hooked on spin classes to craft toned legs and a trim waist. But there's this burning sensation under your left knee getting worse each class, to the point where last week you had...