Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

How to decide if liposuction is right for you

Liposuction, also known as liposculpture, is a cosmetic procedure to reshape any area of the body. It is the process of suctioning excessive fat deposits to shape and mould contours of the body. So when...

Anti-wrinkle injections: what you need to know

Anti-wrinkle injections are used to diminish lines and wrinkles and, more recently, to resculpt areas of the face and neck. It is one of the best-known cosmetic procedures in the world, yet despite its...

5 ways your smile can make you look younger

We all know the effects that lines and wrinkles can have on our appearance, but did you know that your smile could be making you look older? Typically we attribute the signs of ageing to...

Top 5 procedures that can make you look younger

Get younger-looking, rejuvenated skin with these top five non-invasive anti-ageing skincare procedures. 1. Fillers Fillers can be used to add volume, fill deep folds and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Fillers can also be used to...

Cosmetic dentistry: not just about aesthetics

Beautiful teeth can make a dramatic change to a person's appearance and can even negate the need for more invasive facial cosmetic procedures. It's only been in recent years that dentistry has been highlighted in...

The answer to wrinkles and sagging skin

Everybody wants a tighter, more youthful-looking complexion, but not everyone is ready to undergo surgery. If turning back the clock is at the top of your Christmas wish list, a non-surgical tightening treatment could...

Liposuction: preparation and recovery

Understanding what's involved in preparing for and recovering from liposuction surgery is essential for a successful procedure. Preparing for liposuction Educating yourself about the basics of a liposuction procedure, the different techniques and the recovery period...

Is a non-surgical nose job right for you?

The nose is the central feature of the face and changing its size or shape can truly transform a person’s appearance, enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence. Rhinoplasty is traditionally surgery to reduce or increase the...

10 facial ageing busters

The face shows wear and tear faster than any other area of the body. We've compiled the top 10 facial ageing busters to help stunt the hands of time. Blepharoplasty Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a...

How to get clearer, brighter, smoother skin with PICO Genesis

PICO Genesis is a laser treatment specifically designed to target skin concerns such as pigmentation, uneven skin tone and age spots. PICO Genesis non-invasively uses new technology to help eliminate pigmented lesions (melasma, hyperpigmentation and...