skin effect

This lust have serum may be one of those secrets the immaculate woman of France have been keeping from us!

Icelandic company Sif Cosmetics has just released the BIOEFFECT EGF serum into Australia. Following the July launch at the Martin Brown Fine Art gallery, in Sydney’s Potts Point, it caused quite a stir on the net amongst we beauty folk.

In fact, it’s been causing a stir all over the globe. The serum sold out within a week after its inclusion in renowned concept store Colette in Paris and the First Lady of Iceland, Dorrit Moussaieff declared it was, ‘The best product I have ever used, I just love it.’

So why is it achieving these accolades?

It’s the first serum to contain an ingredient called EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), a cellular activator made in plants. The discovery of EGF was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine back in 1986, so it’s kind of a big deal.

According to Sif Cosmetics, BIOeffect EGF Serum works by activating certain biological processes within the cell. They say it stimulates the skin’s own renewal process to improve the overall appearance and texture. It contains EGF cellular activator that supports the renewal of skin cells. The serum leaves you with a healthier and fresher appearance and moisturises, while at the same time it inhibits signs of skin ageing.

The explanation behind Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) is, when cells in the body send messages to each other via the release of chemicals called cytokines. If a cell needs something done it releases a cytokine. Other cells have receptors that recognise these cytokines and when they come in contact with them it is their signal to get into action mode – growing more skin cells, especially during wound healing.

Topically applied, EGF is able to penetrate the skin and reach the target cells to give them the message to DIVIDE AND MULTIPLY!

What I like about the serum is that it only contains nine ingredients – only what is necessary to ‘maintain and stimulate the natural function of the EGF cellular activator’ and nothing more. With so many kooky inclusions on skincare labels this gives me a little peace of mind.

All you need do is apply a few little drops to clean skin in the evening (BONUS: no moisturiser or night creams are needed – the serum will hydrate enough) and you’re in for a radiant, glowing and youthful complexion when you roll over to meet yourself in the morning.

BIOEFFECT EGF serum is now available to purchase for $180 at