Botched fillers are certainly something we don’t want to see on life’s Bingo Card. However, sometimes, they happen. Whether it’s due to the wrong amount of filler being injected (overfilling) or incorrect placement there are measures you can take to fix the issue.

Sylvia Crouch from Angel Aesthetics Clinics, helps us unravel the issues and offer some pointers as to what you can do about it.

Botched Fillers – All The Ways Fillers Might Go Wrong


Lumpy fillers can occur when too much product is injected into a single area. “The hard part is getting these lumps to go away,” explains Sylvia. “This can be a process in itself and can be painful and costly.”


Pillow face aside, injecting too much filler into one area can cause severe bruising and in some cases, extensive damage to blood vessels. “I’ve had clients come to me with severe bruising, where their super-thick, high coverage foundation can’t even disguise it. Overfilling can also result in asymmetrical or lopsided features.”

Filler Migration

This simply refers to the movement of the filler from the injection site, to other areas of the face where they were not intended to be placed.

“When fillers migrate, it can lead to an unnatural or distorted appearance similar to the side effects of overfilling,” explains Sylvia. “Sometimes, it simply can’t be helped.

“It can happen for a variety of reasons. These include type and volume of filler, the injection technique, or the actual practitioner. It also often depends on the person’s natural facial movement. Always visit an experienced clinic with a high standard for perfect results to minimise the risk of migration.”

How to fix botched fillers

Fillers are a type of cosmetic treatment used to soften lines, wrinkles and folds in the skin. They’re also used to restore lost volume and plump hollow or sagging skin. Fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body that helps to hydrate and plump the skin.

An enzyme called Hylase can be used to dissolve botched fillers. As with your initial injector, choose your practitioner carefully, advises Sylvia.

“Choosing who dissolves your lip filler is just as important as choosing who first injects them. Both come with complications and risks. As with any cosmetic treatment, research is key. Dissolving filler involves injecting Hylase into the area where the filler was placed, allowing the filler to then dissipate.

“It’s generally safe, however it can cause some side effects. These include swelling, bruising and redness at the injection site. Some patients may experience an allergic reaction, which is why it’s vital you visit a reputable clinic that can care for this should it happen.”

You should always wait a few weeks before dissolving botched fillers, too.

“You must wait until the filler is settled before dissolving it,” explains Sylvia. “This can take around two weeks, but it can vary depending on the type and amount of filler used.”

Luckily, the process doesn’t take too long.

“The results are somewhat immediate,” says Sylvia, “but it’s important to note it can take up to an hour for the filler to be fully dissolved. “Downtime is very important in this process, too. Be sure to use ice packs and avoid hot, spicy foods and excessive sun exposure. This will help minimise swelling and support healing.”