From self-care to self-glow, get your planets (and your wellness plans) in perfect alignment with your ultimate beauty horoscope.

This year a new era has dawned and the “Aquarian age” of humanity, love and compassion is here. Forget what you thought you knew; we’ve gone from the I AM status to the WE ARE ONE consciousness in a blink of the eye.

How do you live in this new energy? Stay in the present moment as much as possible to see the magic in the ordinary, breathe, use your free will, and put the intent up to the Universe to assist you with anything you are trying to manifest and Spirit will help you find the gap in the game. Remember when manifesting, you need to emulate the feelings you want, that is how you become a “Magical Manifesting Magnet,” drawing to you that which you desire.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Your humanitarian nature is wonderful but in the next year you will need to take care of yourself first and practise self-love. Book in with your hairdresser, get a massage, whatever it takes to fill your cup first. It’s time to spoil yourself and dress up for any occasion.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

There will be lots of happy gatherings for you this year! You will be at the right place at the right time so use it to your advantage, making sure only the best of the best will do for you. While you continue to develop your own personal style in the next year, the key question you need to ask yourself is: “how does this make me feel?” Trust your intuition.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The active Aries in the next year1 needs balance. Constructing a holistic approach to everything you do will bring a symmetry into your life. Don’t be surprised if you use words such as “I feel” a lot. Yoga might seem a little slow for you but the balance it will bring will have its own rewards, and the breathing techniques will become a natural outlet. Having spa days or just a peaceful bath and nurturing yourself will balance the giving and receiving.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taureans, in the next year you get to shine, and don’t you deserve it! You’ve heard of pimp my ride, well your ride is your body. The year of the Ox starts in February on the Chinese New Year and with Venus as your ruling planet, of love, beauty and money, Taurus will have the works! Share your experiences and philosophies this year and lead by example – there may be someone out there that would appreciate your guidance.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Social Geminis, this year will be about looking after yourselves and steeping out of your comfort zone. Try new makeup looks and beauty products and are with your friends – it’s a complete overhaul in the next year.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

With lots of new beginnings already, Cancerians are in a state of transformation. This year will continue with you enhancing your hobbies and self-awareness holistically. You will continue to reinvent yourself with new colours and new hairstyles. You are in for a new you, so enjoy it.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

What a surprising year lies ahead for Leos. It seems like Leos are in the right time and right place in the next year. Spoil yourself on shopping and watch how the bargains roll in.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, you love being in a routine and have everything planned out. Well, the next year sees you moving out of your comfort zone and trying all new beauty routines and natural therapies. Try to stay in the moment and fully immerse yourself in the experiences rather than think about the outcome. I feel you have figured out your own happiness comes from within!


Libra (September 23 – October 23)

For the caretaker and steady Libran, it is time to spend some much-needed time on you. Shopping sprees, luxe skin treatments and anything that is giving to yourself this year will be exactly what you need. Staying in the present moment will have you noticing all the Universe’s little nudges. I can just hear you say, “the Universe wanted me to!”

Scorpio (October 24 – November 21)

Scorpio, one minute you will be out celebrating as your most glamorous self and the next you’ll be at home in your comfy trackie-dacks. Going it alone will seem tedious. The next year is all about you working as a team and surrounding yourself with your soul family.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Generous free-spirited Sagittarians, you will need to stay out of your head in the next year and do the things that you love doing, this will bring more of that energy towards you. Commit to whatever rocks your world at a soul level. I can see you trying all new beauty therapies, which in turn has your energy charged.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Striving for your goals in the next year will be a holistic approach. Many Capricorns will de-clutter mind, body and soul. Don’t be surprised if you get a team of people to help with that – from a personal trainer and dietician to someone that organises your home. You will be looking at the whole shebang to see how it enhances your experiences.

Linda Willow Roberts
Linda Willow Roberts

About Linda Willow Roberts

Linda Willow Roberts is a certified medium, spiritual teacher, psychic, clairvoyant, international speaker, certified angel intuitive, reiki master, theta healer, psychometry expert and author of ‘Seven-Eights of Me” .

Known as ‘The Manifestor, Linda has always been able to live in synchronicity with the Laws of Attraction and has assisted clients with spiritual and life navigation for 30 years.

To book a session with Linda please visit: