From the blues to the bulge, winter can be a trying time for our mind, body and soul. Here are our top tips to not just survive, but thrive this winter.

For some, the winter blues can be much more than just pining after the warmer months and the activities that come with it. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is recognised as a type of recurrent depression, characterised by mood disturbances and seasonal patterns.

Winter is a time when we tend to sleep longer, eat more food, have cravings for stodgy rice and pasta, and exercise less. However, the last thing we want is to jeopardise the toned and trim summer bod we worked so hard for, so keep the cravings for comfort food at bay with these simple tips.

Step into the light

A lack of exposure to light can lead to depression, and depression can fuel those cravings for hot, rich, indulgent foods which often lead to weight gain.

It’s essential to get some sun exposure, preferably in the morning light within an hour of waking, to improve your sleep. This not only allows us to get a dose of Vitamin D while the sun is not as strong, but will also improve our mood. Open up the blinds, sit near a window or brave the cold and head outside.

Boost your immune system

Giving our bodies the strength to battle out the winter is a good way to stave off covid, as well as all the winter colds and flus lurking around. Vitamins and supplements work to prime the body inside and out.

Don’t skip meals

Skipping meals can cause low blood sugar. This can make us feel irritable, confused and fatigued. The body begins to increase production of cortisol, leaving us stressed and hangry.

Skipping meals also sends our bodies into fasting mode and our metabolism (how efficiently the body burns calories) slows down and uses protein as energy. It keeps our fat stores as reserve energy and uses our lean muscle mass instead. Skipping meals creates an energy imbalance, which can lead to binge eating and senseless snacking in between meals.

Eat colourful food

One of the best ways to lighten our diet and stop that winter waistline from stretching, is to add vibrant colours to your meals. Mixing colourful fresh fruits and veggies into your diet, such as berries, melons and leafy greens, increases your intake of essential vitamins and antioxidants, and will also increase energy levels.

Essential dietary fats

Cutting out all fats over the cooler months is not going to speed up weight loss. In fact, our bodies need fat more than ever in the cooler months. Studies have shown a little fat can satisfy hunger cravings effectively, but the trick is to opt for ‘good fats’. These good fats can be found in foods such as avocado, omega-rich salmon, nuts and olive oil. In fact, omegas in fish oil (the food or supplements) have proved to work wonders for our mental state, too.

Curb temptations

Allow for treats! Always denying ourselves is a no-no and make us splurge when our willpower wanes. Indulge, but perhaps opt for a low-calorie option. Have a sugar-free hot chocolate instead of marshmallow laden one, or whip up some low fat muffins full of fresh berries.

Ditch binge drinking

Alcohol is a depressant, so while we might be enjoying the warm fuzzy feeling a nice glass of wine brings, it helps to limit intake. Binge drinking is never a healthy choice and can lead to a low cycle of feeling sick, depressed and even more tired. Don’t forget the aftermath – a hangover usually comes with cravings for fatty fast foods.

Buddy up

Whether it’s our bestie, colleague or four-legged friend (who will never say no to getting outdoors!), it’s much harder to make excuses to exercise if we have an obligation to an official training partner – plus it makes for a lot more fun. If exercising outside is not an option, run on the spot at work for 15 minutes or do some lunges while waiting for that phone call to come through. Any exercise, even just to help tone and get your circulation moving, is better than none!

Last of all, embrace the winter months – relish in the crisp mornings and look forward to the relaxing rainy nights when you stay in and rug up, don your Ugg boots, grab that sugar-free hot chocolate and watch TV.