Dr Paul Coceancig unveils the impact of pollen and hayfever on sleep patterns in the wake of the recent El Niño announcement.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s recent declaration of an El Niño weather event has set the stage for significant shifts in weather patterns across the country. As this major climate event begins to influence Australia’s air quality, atmosphere, and temperatures, Dr Paul Coceancig, an Australian Maxillofacial Surgeon who has pioneered a surgical solution to sleep apnea, sheds light on the crucial connection between seasonal changes and sleep quality.

Dr Paul Coceancig
Dr Paul Coceancig

Australia has long grappled with one of the highest rates of asthma and hayfever worldwide, with 10.7%* of the total population suffering around the country. The combination of unique flora and environmental factors contributes to the heightened susceptibility of Australians to these conditions. The onset of El Niño signals an extended period of warm and dry conditions in the country, creating the perfect environment for pollen to thrive. Unfortunately, this spells bad news for allergy sufferers and their sleep routines.

Dr. Coceancig highlights the following impacts of pollen on the body, which can substantially affect sleep quality:

  •  Nasal Congestion: Pollen exposure often leads to a stuffy or congested nose, making it challenging to breathe comfortably during sleep.
  •  Sneezy and Coughing: Allergic reactions to pollen can trigger sneezing and coughing, further disrupting restful sleep.
  •  Itchy Eyes and Sensitivity: Irritation and itching of the eyes can be bothersome and contribute to sleep disturbances.

“These symptoms can collectively result in disrupted sleep patterns, leading to heavy breathing, mouth breathing, waking up with a blocked nose, dry mouth, and even unintentional drooling onto pillows. This can compromise the overall quantity and quality of sleep, including the ability to fall into deep sleep, often resulting in daytime fatigue.

“For individuals with severe allergies to pollen, the discomfort and symptoms may escalate to the point of sleep disruption and insomnia. Sleep disturbances, particularly when related to hayfever and allergies, can have far-reaching consequences. This includes impaired daily performance, feelings of frustration and anxiety, and, in children, potential impacts on development and school performance.” Dr. Coceancig explains

To address the challenges posed by hayfever and allergies during seasonal changes, Dr. Coceancig recommends consulting a medical professional who can provide guidance on appropriate treatments and lifestyle adjustments. Implementing preventative measures, such as avoiding triggers, regular cleaning of bedding and clothing, and utilising environmental controls like air purifiers and keeping windows closed, can significantly enhance sleep quality during high pollen seasons.

As the El Niño weather event unfolds, the Australian population faces atmospheric conditions that can intensify pollen-related allergies and their subsequent impact on sleep. By proactively managing these challenges, Australians can look forward to more restful nights and more productive, fulfilling Spring/Summer days.

For further information on Dr Paul Coceancig, please visit www.drpaulcoceancig.com.au