Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

Liposuction: preparation and recovery

Understanding what's involved in preparing for and recovering from liposuction surgery is essential for a successful procedure. Preparing for liposuction Educating yourself about the basics of a liposuction procedure, the different techniques and the recovery period...

Spotlight on: rhinoplasty

The nose is known as the axis of the face – a centrepiece around which all your features take anchor. Variations in the contour of the nose can have a strong but subtle effect...

Anti-wrinkle injections: what you need to know

Anti-wrinkle injections are used to diminish lines and wrinkles and, more recently, to resculpt areas of the face and neck. It is one of the best-known cosmetic procedures in the world, yet despite its...

Rhinoplasty: preparation and recovery

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. Proper preparation and recovery both play an equally important role in achieving your desired outcome. Preparing for rhinoplasty surgery At your consultation, the surgeon will discuss...

Fat grafting – the natural alternative to fillers

Sunken cheeks, furrows and wrinkles and poorly defined facial contours are common cosmetic issues as we age. To add insult to injury, while we’re losing volume in our face, we’re often struggling to keep...

Thinking about non-surgical body contouring?

Advancements in body contouring technologies offer patients a variety of non-surgical options to remove body fat and create a more shapely form. Over the past decade body-contouring surgery has become one of the most popular...

Is a non-surgical nose job right for you?

The nose is the central feature of the face and changing its size or shape can truly transform a person’s appearance, enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence. Rhinoplasty is traditionally surgery to reduce or increase the...

Options for your best ever body

During the winter months, it’s not uncommon for people to pile on the pounds - and there's nothing quite like cosying up on the couch with a hot chocolate! However, if you're looking to keep...

Breast Reduction Case Study

Erin finally found a way to be comfortable in her own body. The words plastic surgery conjures up a range of thoughts and images - enhancement, implants, finesse. But plastic surgery is not always about...

Thinking about nose surgery?

Are you unhappy with the shape or size of your nose? Or do you have difficulty breathing through your nose? Nose surgery (rhinoplasty) may be the answer. Rhinoplasty improves the appearance and proportion of the...