Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

Spotlight on Cooltech

No needles. No incisions. No scars. We take a look at the new way to bust fat, fast. There’s a new kid on the fat blasting block called Cooltech. He’s quick, effective and he loves...

Dermal fillers vs anti-wrinkle injections – what’s the difference?

It's no secret that the world of anti-ageing is growing at a rapid pace. But with new products and techniques emerging daily, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fad. Fillers have received widespread...

The ins and outs of Invisalign

We chat with Dr Johnson Huang from Clear Dental about Invisalign - the clear way to straighten teeth. The lowdown Need braces but dread the wire look? Invisalign could be the answer for you. A near-invisible...

Thinking of undergoing a breast reduction?

Breast reduction (or reduction mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure that reduces, lifts and reshapes the breast. The procedure is aimed at removing excessive breast and fatty tissue, leaving you with an overall smaller and better-shaped...

The latest plastic surgery trend

Miranda Kerr has them. Jennifer Garner has them. Even Harry Styles has a set of them. While there’s no denying that there’s something effortlessly adorable about the physical trait, it appears dimple lovers are...

Pregnant? Find out what’s safe in skincare

The safety of what you’re putting into your body – in the form of food, drinks and supplements – comes under strong scrutiny during childbearing and breast feeding. According to skincare experts and dermatologists,...

Ultraformer III FAQs

Ultraformer III is the latest skin-tightening treatment that has earned itself a large following for its non-surgical approach to defy the signs of ageing. Ultraformer is a treatment to rejuvenate your appearance and get rid...

Spotlight on: rhinoplasty

The nose is known as the axis of the face – a centrepiece around which all your features take anchor. Variations in the contour of the nose can have a strong but subtle effect...

What drives men to seek cosmetic surgery?

More men are seeking cosmetic enhancement than ever before, but what is it that drives their desire for cosmetic procedures? Traditionally, cosmetic enhancement has been considered a definite female domain. Yet, the desire to advance...

Straighten your teeth for a more confident smile

Are you unhappy with the crooked, uneven or crowded appearance of your smile? With all the recent advancements in orthodontics, wearing braces have never been easier. Orthodontic treatment (braces) can make a huge difference to...