Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

What’s the difference between IPL and laser?

With so many treatments available today for the purpose of skin revitalisation, navigating the beauty world can be difficult. And while terms like 'IPL' and 'laser' might sound familiar, do you really know which...
The History of Cosmetic Surgery

10 fascinating facts about the history of cosmetic surgery

We tend to think of aesthetic plastic surgery as a modern phenomenon, pioneered by the rich, famous and infamous, now enthusiastically embraced by "average" people worldwide. But it has its origins in the mists...

Age gracefully with Ultraformer III

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and plays a big role in the way others perceive your attractiveness and healthiness, so it deserves your utmost attention! Just as you exercise to...

Spotlight on: blepharoplasty

As the ‘windows to the soul’, the eyes offer an indication of someone’s age, level of fatigue and even overall state of health. Studies have shown that factors such as the degree of wrinkling,...

Is it time for surgery?

At a certain point, non-surgical methods may no longer do the job. As we age, there comes a time when non-surgical treatments no longer provide a satisfactory result, and the necessity for surgical procedures...

Enlighten – remove tattoos and rejuvenate skin

Whether it’s a regrettable tattoo or stubborn skin discolouration, treatment with the Enlighten laser quickly clears the skin of unwanted tattoos and skin discolouration. Developed and manufactured by Cutera USA, Enlighten is a laser treatment...

The gold standard in facial rejuvenation

Regen PRP is reinventing the treatment of skin from the inside out, offering an autologous way to fight the signs of lines and wrinkles. Ageing is inevitable and we are constantly trying to find ways...

The anti-ageing solution for every skin type

Dr William Wu shares his insight into treating Asian skin with one of the superstars of rejuvenation, Regen PRP. In the past, practitioners were very hesitant, even nervous, about treating Asian skin due to the...

The answer to sagging skin

Today there are many non-surgical options for wrinkles and volume loss, but sometimes only surgery will suffice in lifting sagging skin – and creating truly age-defying results. The face lift First performed more than 100 years...

Vein, vein go away

While most of us can't wait for those long summer days, thousands of Australian's with varicose veins are dreading those hot days and balmy nights. Varicose veins can be caused by the back-pressure of blood...