The way you view your skin is about to change. Recently launched in Australia exclusively to Priceline is the Gen Z hit of the UK skincare market, Skin Proud.

Skin Proud champions embracing your skin texture, pores and all, celebrating the imperfections, and perfections, that make you, you.

Cutting away the confusion, Skin Proud believes in being completely transparent, with products that are 100% vegan, PETA-approved cruelty-free, affordable, easy to use and with ingredients that you understand.

‘From implementing a strict no- photoshopping policy in our skincare ads to colour-coded packaging for ease of use – routines broken down by AM, PM and Anytime – the brand speaks to Gen Z and tells the inclusive and diverse story of what it means to be you and be proud of the skin you’re in,’ said Skin Proud founder Charlotte Knight.

Available at Priceline and Products range from $14.99 to $31.99. CBM