Legendary makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury has launched Charlotte’s Beauty Happy Hour, a new weekly series on Instagram where she asks friends to reveal their life lessons and rituals to a happier life.

Charlotte’s first guest was her long-time friend, the one and only Dame Joan Collins, who shared her secrets to happiness and the lessons she’s learned along the way.

Reminiscing about her past, Joan says has been inspired by many people in her life, but takes most inspiration from her mother, her mother’s sisters and her father’s sister: ‘They were very inspirational, very beautiful and cared about the way they looked. They wouldn’t go out unless they were perfectly made up!  It was my mother who inspired me to take care of myself’. Despite this, in my teens, I wanted to become a boy! I was a real tom-boy, I dressed in corduroy, jeans and sweaters and went to Arsenal football matches!’

Not always appreciative of her good-looks, Joan revealed that she would advise her younger self to go out with less makeup. ‘I didn’t realise how really attractive I was!’, she joked. ‘I have always used moisturiser and a base; it protects my skin. I do my own hair and makeup at home or when I am going out, I can do my make up very fast, but it it’s a special occasion, I like to slow down and think. I love Charlotte Tilbury’s Vintage Vamp palette, the name alone sends me running to buy it!

Known for her younger husband, Percy – to whom she has been happily married for nearly 20 years – Joan has a witty response for those who question their relationship, saying “what about the age difference?” Joan quips, ‘If he dies, he dies!’ 

When it comes to looking ageless, Joan is the queen. Not one to deny herself, Joan is all about moderation: ‘I don’t believe you have to eat kale – I just eat very healthily, but I have the occasional biscuit and I actually eat chocolate a lot. I also moisture my skin ALL the time – and on Sunday I don’t wear makeup. Each time I go to the bathroom, I slap on a bit moisturiser, which is always by my sink.

The full episode can be viewed here.

In each episode, Charlotte’s closest friends – from business leaders to red carpet stars – will drop by to reveal their own inspiring experiences and secrets – with a side serving of bubbles, makeup magic and positivi-tea!

Stay tuned to @ctilburymakeup where Charlotte will reveal next week’s awe-inspiring guest.