From waxing and shaving to creams and laser, hair removal can be a complicated process. And now, to add another potential method to the mix, sugaring is taking over the internet.

Sugaring is a Middle Eastern alternative to waxing that involves rolling a sugar, water and lemon blend over the skin, against the direction of hair growth. When the sugar is removed, the unwanted hair comes with it.

In an interview with Refinery29, sugaring specialist and owner of Sugaring L.A., Danielle Correia, explained how the sugaring mixture seeps into the hair follicle and wraps around the hair, making it easy for the therapist to remove.

Sugaring involves no strips or additional tools. It is important to exfoliate the sugared areas between treatments.

The benefits of sugaring

  1. The ingredients are all natural.
  2. It’s considered less painful than waxing.
  3. The temperature of the sugar is lukewarm and so does not put you at risk of burns.
  4. Results are long lasting.