As the seasons change and the weather gets colder, along with that comes dry, brittle, ratty hair that is impossible to style and ultimately gets destroyed the second we step outside if we try to make an effort.

In order to have fabulous locks all year long, there are some precautions you should take to protect your hair this winter. Here are 5 easy hair care tips that can be done from bed that will save time, effort and ensure your hair is looking fabulous the following morning.

Limit your washes

A tip we all know yet hate is limiting the amount of times you wash your hair per week. This will allow your natural oils to hydrate your hair, whilst ensuring your ends aren’t overly dried out. Use Batiste Naturally Dry Shampoo in Coconut and Hemp Seed to reduce frizz and help you make it through the horrid third and fourth day hair.


Dry shampoo BEFORE  you go to bed

Don’t just use dry shampoo for emergencies only, prevent your roots from getting oily by applying Batiste Dry shampoo BEFORE bed. The dry shampoo will absorb incoming oil as you sleep, ensuring your locks are refreshed and perfect the next morning.

Hair Slugging

Tik Tok has done it again, introducing its latest trend, hair slugging. Before you go to bed, coat your hair from your mid ends down in a lightweight oil. Place your ends in a fluffy sock and tie at the base of your neck to secure. When you wake, your hair should be nourished and glossy!

Heatless Hairstyles

Avoid using heat with an array of heatless hairstyles. Tik Tok’s classic robe curls are a staple and will work their magic whilst you snooze.

Silk Pillowcases

If you haven’t jumped on this train yet, where have you been? The benefits of silk are known across both skincare and hair care. A silk pillowcase will help reduce frizz and make your hair look extra shiny!

So, there you have it! Think of all the extra time you now have in the morning and hit that snooze button a couple more times.

silk pillow