Are you a self confessed beauty addict? We bring together the top beauty facts to see how well you know your beauty trivia. Bring it on!

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld once said, ‘I don’t like standard beauty – there is no beauty without strangeness.’ While Lagerfeld may have been referring to a person’s appearance, we’ve uncovered some of the stranger facts and stats in the beauty industry.

Perfect pout

– Like fingerprints, your lip impressions are unique and could be used in an identification process.

– A passionate kiss can burn up to 50 kJ of energy in a few minutes, working as many as 30 muscles.

– The average woman consumes 6 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime.

– The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

– The average human has about 10,000 taste buds – however, they’re not all on the tongue. Some can even be found on the lips – these are especially sensitive to salt

– Leonardo DaVinci spent 12 years painting the Mona Lisa’s lips

– Your lips need protection from moisture loss when you are indoors because low humidity and heating system effects indoors during winter can dry lips

– As you age, your lips produce less collagen, leading to thinner, more delicate lips

– Alcohol dehydrates your lips

Hairy facts

– Ninety percent of women believe that having a good hair day is a great start to their day

– Hair grows faster in warmer weather

– Hair covers the whole body, with the exception of soles of feet, palms of hands, mucous membranes, and lips

– There are on average 550 hairs in your eyebrow

– During your lifetime the average human will grow 590 miles of hair

– The lifespan of a human hair is three to seven years on average

– For good hair health, try wholemeal products, eggs, liver, kidneys, Vitamin C and D, herring, salmon, carrots and green vegetables

– 73 percent of Australians believe that hair influences their self-confidence

– The average number of hairs on a person’s head is 100,000, with black hair being the thickest, having 110,000

– Female hair grows more slowly than male hair

– The average lifespan of hair is two to seven years

– Elderly people have slower hair growth and diminished hair density

– Pigments give hair its colour. As you age, fewer pigments are produced, turning hair grey or white

Eyes wide open

– Tears contain natural antibiotics, which are meant to protect your eye and prevent the eye from drying out. They also contain certain fats that reduce the evaporation of tears

– Eyes are the most complex organs you possess apart from your brain

– Eyes contribute towards approximately 85 percent of your total knowledge

– Colour blindness is more common among males, and occuring in about 8 percent of the male population.

– Researchers have known for years that pupil size is a major clue in determining a person’s emotional response, and can sometimes contradict what’s actually being said. If you want to know how your date honestly feels about you, look into his or her eyes. A larger pupil indicates a positive response, whereas a constricted pupil indicates a less than favorable reaction.

Sticky beak

– Taste is 75 percent smell

– Everyone has a unique smell (except identical twins)

– Compulsive nose picking is called rhinotillexomania

– Freud believed reproductive organs were directly linked with the nose

– According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nose jobs were the second most common cosmetic surgical procedure in 2006


– Thirty-three percent of women ‘talk themselves up’ in front of the mirror before heading out for the night

– Sliced apple placed on the face helps soak up the extra oil and helps to close pores

– Apple cider vinegar keeps skin supple. It’s heavy concentration of enzymes helps peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly

– Studies have shown that green tea can reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light

Teeth talk

– Teeth are made of the hardest substance in the body – enamel

– You should replace your toothbrush once every two-three months

– Teeth start forming before you are born

– The bristle toothbrush, similar to the type used today, was invented in 1498 in China. The bristles were actually the stiff, coarse hairs from the back of a hog’s neck, attached to handles made of bone or bamboo

– Baby teeth play an important role in the development of speech and chewing