Have you been celebrating the party season a little too early? Or just indulging in too much of what’s not that good for you? If so, you’ve probably woken to that impending sense of doom coupled with nausea, headache and dry mouth that can only mean one thing: hangover.

If you’re trying to find the will to live after one too many, we’ve got the top hangover cures to get you feeling a little more human.


Vitamin B and C supplements will prepare your body for what they are about to lose. Vitamins B and C are your body’s currency and you’ll feel shady in the morning without them. B vitamins are quickly used up as the body processes alcohol. Some people swear by toast and B-packed vegemite, while others prefer a high-dose B vitamin supplement such as Berocca. Antioxidant vitamin C attacks those free radicals produced as your liver breaks down alcohol.

Line your stomach

The best way to cure a hangover is to avoid getting one in the first place, but that’s just not always practical. Sage advice though, start drinking on a full stomach to slow alcohol absorption, give your stomach a protective lining by eating some full fat yoghurt or taking milk thistle (silymarin) to protect the liver from damage.

Try alternating hard and soft drinks and don’t overestimate your size. There is no point trying to keep up with the local rugby team, you’ll lose. Avoid drinks that will go straight to your head, like sparkling champagne or carbonated mixers, cognac, brandy, whisky and red wine. Gin and vodka will be kinder to the head. Yada yada yada. It’s a simple but factual point that alcohol is a diuretic, so it dehydrates. Drinking water will help speed your recovery so down a pint of water before going to bed. When you wake up, sip water little and often. A rehydration solution such as Gastrolyte can help restore the body’s natural fluid balance.


A tried and true method to increase alertness and help clear a fuzzy head. If you don’t like the tang of strong, black coffee, try guarana. Caffeine is also a diuretic, so drink lots of water, too.

Hair of the dog

Urban myths espouse the virtues of drinking another alcoholic beverage in the morning, but this joy is short lived. You are only postponing the misery. The liver has already stopped processing alcohol in your system, so the levels of acetaldehyde and formic acid – metabolic “poisons” created when your body processes alcohol – temporarily drop. These skyrocket even further as the new alcohol, on top of the old, starts being processed again – the comedown will be even worse.


If all else fails, remember the old adage that time is the greatest healer… and the most effective cure for a hangover. Drink fluids, take your supplements, eat a light healthy diet and rest until the effects wear off. Then swear to yourself you will never do it again…until next time.