Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice
healthy eating key to mental health

The new PMS: Positive Mental Strength

Nutritionist, author and expert speaker on all things health and wellbeing, Michele Chevalley Hedge shares her top tips on bolstering mental health in the time of COVID-19. There are many things we can’t control during...

CosBeauty Magazine #90

Issue 90 of CosBeauty Magazine the authoritative, number-one magazine dedicated to lifestyle, health and beauty, is now available. Read it for free here! .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container...
Winter hair care tips

Winter hair care tips: keeping your locks healthy and vibrant in the chilly season

Winter hair care, as with winter skincare, needs adjusting for the season. Internal (diet, heating) and external (chilly temperatures, wind, UV rays) factors can quickly see your locks become lacklustre. Follow these professional tips for...