Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice
Breast implants: 5 Essential factors

Breast implants: The 5 essential factors

Thinking about a breast enlargement? Here are the 5 most crucial aspects of breast implant surgery you need to know. 1. Implant shape Choosing the right shape of breast implants is vital to the success of...

Ageing eyes? Here are your options

Throughout history, the eyes have held us in captivation for their indications of emotion, youth and health. We’ve been mesmerised by Sophia Loren’s, Elizabeth Taylor’s, Angelina Jolie’s, Scarlett Johansen’s and even the Mona Lisa’s...

Reduce the signs of photo-ageing

As the cool weather slowly makes its way in and the jeans and jackets come out, proper skin care can mean the difference between supple, healthy skin to dry, aged skin. However if the...

The Qi to youthful beauty

We associate needles in cosmetic medicine with dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxant injections. But for thousands of years needles have been used quite differently to balance energy, rejuvenate the face and body and treat...

Anti-wrinkle injections: what you need to know

Anti-wrinkle injections are used to diminish lines and wrinkles and, more recently, to resculpt areas of the face and neck. It is one of the best-known cosmetic procedures in the world, yet despite its...

Blast fat and reduce cellulite with truSculpt

If you have an area of stubborn fat that won’t budge, or if you want to get rid of unwanted cellulite, truSculpt fat and cellulite reduction is a quick ‘no-fuss’ treatment that could be...

The complete guide to facial surgery

The face, more than any other part of the body, defines an individual to the outside world. With age, the effects of gravity, sun damage and the stresses of everyday life become apparent and...

Thinking of undergoing a breast reduction?

Breast reduction (or reduction mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure that reduces, lifts and reshapes the breast. The procedure is aimed at removing excessive breast and fatty tissue, leaving you with an overall smaller and better-shaped...

Do you know your anti-wrinkle injections from your fillers?

It's not a secret, anti-wrinkle injections and fillers have stolen the spotlight as an attractive option for restoring youthful volume. With age, the emergence of fine links and wrinkles, combined with a loss of volume in...
body contouring

Body contouring without the surgery

Body contouring remains one of the most popular fields in cosmetic surgery. There are several non-surgical options for reducing fat volume, removing stubborn pockets of fatty tissue and streamlining your overall body shape. Over time,...