Aesthetic Advisor - your trusted resource for aesthetic advice

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy

Packed full of growth factors, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), sometimes referred to as "that vampire facial Kim Kardashian instagrammed",  is fast becoming one of the most popular tools for those looking to restore a youthful tone,...

Fat transfer

Fat transfer, also known as fat harvesting or autologous fat transplantation, is a popular procedure to add volume to a sunken face, add contour to the cheek or chin, augment breasts, and fill out...

Facts on dermal fillers

Dermal filler injections can restore lost facial volume, fill out wrinkles and lines, and improve facial contours. The ‘youthful glow’ associated with being young and healthy is often put down to the fullness and smooth,...

Brow lift surgery

The eyebrow area can be especially influential in the appearance of ageing eyes, as the brow can descend and cast an aged, tired and often angry expression across the face. The brow and the forehead...

All about blepharoplasty

As the effects of ageing take their toll, a blepharoplasty procedure (eyelid surgery), which addresses the upper and/or lower eyelids, can help recapture a sense of youth and also express an overall sense of...

Functional rhinoplasty

Not all rhinoplasty procedures are performed for cosmetic reasons alone – a deformed exterior often indicates an equally significant deformity of the internal nose with impaired function. Rhinoplasty reshapes both the internal and external components...

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

A relatively recent breakthrough in the cosmetic industry is non-surgical rhinoplasty. Irregularities can be corrected using dermal fillers (either temporary or long-lasting), which allows patients to change their appearance without having to undergo rhinoplasty...

Revision rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, just like any other surgery, is not an exact science, and the final results of nose reshaping cannot always be anticipated. Despite the best efforts of a skilful surgeon, complications may still occur....

7 types of facelift

Advances in surgical procedures and technology mean there are several different facelift types and techniques available today. They are designed to address each patient’s individual needs more specifically, helping to ensure optimal and natural-looking...

Body implants: calf, gluteal and pectoral

Implants can be placed in any area where there is a non-moving contour defect, such as the buttocks, biceps, breasts, calves, face, pectorals, penis and triceps. There are various forms of implants used in cosmetic...