We love our products just as much (if not more) than the next girl. But we’ve put together 10 ways to be more beautiful that you won’t find at the beauty counter.


We all yearn for skin with a luminescent complexion, and no skincare product we’ve tried compares with that produced by a little slice of hard work it takes to gain an exercise-induced glow.

The only workout you need for your skin to glow is cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, aerobics, cycling and swimming. This gets the heart and lungs pumping oxygen-rich blood vigorously, which is transported throughout your body supplying oxygen. This is what makes your skin look flushed at the time of exercise and leaves a residual radiance. Exercise is also a great anti-ageing method, preventing bad free radical cells from forming, keeping your muscles lean, your skin firm and sweating out those terrible toxins.


Essentially, what you put into your body is mirrored on the outside. Foods that are good for your health are good for your skin, allowing your body to function better and prevent a build-up of toxins. A good diet is like using good fuel for your car, making your skin look fresh and glowing. Opt for a diet rich in nutrients and vitamins with lots of colourful fresh fruit and veg. A strict halo diet needn’t prevent you from indulging – many studies have shown that a glass of red wine a day may help you control heart disease and fight off infections, and dark chocolate is an excellent antioxidant that combats free radicals.

Think about replacing your morning cuppa with Rooibos, a caffeine-free tea packed with antioxidants and immune support compounds. It also the tick of approval by many leading nutritional experts for its internal and external health benefits.

Get plenty of protein – the natural building block for healthy collagen. Kind of like a yoga class for your skin, collagen keeps your skin firm and toned. Remember, if any food you eat feels heavy it’s most likely not good for your skin and steer clear of fried, oily, sweet or processed foods.


It’s no new concept, but drink water for a better complexion. The more you drink, the better your skin will be. Drinking water is like exercise in that it helps to increase blood flow, which means better circulation. Drinking water also helps to flush toxins out of the body, which we know are bad for skin and lead to blemishes. Get in tune with your body – if your lips are cracked or your nose dry and flaky you’re simply thirsty. And no, don’t grab cola – enjoy a big glass of water instead!

Positive attitude

If you want to be beautiful, and I mean truly beautiful, you have to feel good. A lot of people always have others flocking to them not as a result of the way they look but because they are so vivacious and charming. Diet and beauty treatments can make a difference, but before that comes attitude. Women need to define their own concept of beauty and educate younger generations that our outer image is a reflection of our inner mindset. A positive attitude will help us exude an air of confidence and radiance that will enhance our appearance. In short, feeling beautiful makes us look beautiful!


Get laid to get the look, and we don’t mean sleep! A sack session increases blood circulation, by increasing your heart rate blood pumps harder throughout your body and expels toxins. It’s not just your blood rushing, but your body’s chemicals too. The hormone oxytocin, known as the “love hormone”, is released during sex. It is said to increase endorphins and alleviate pain, plus it puts a big smile on our faces and makes us feel loved up. Lastly, a good roll in the hay also helps you sleep better, thanks to oxytocin. Not to mention that post-coital glow you get going!


Beauty sleep, as we smart girls know, is not just an urban legend! Sleep and beauty really are interrelated. Everything regenerates when you sleep – your mind reboots, your cells replenish and your skin renews. It’s like a housekeeper comes in and tidies up, ironing out wrinkles and removing toxins from the day.

It is pretty much impossible to turn back the negative effects of ongoing sleep deprivation – when it starts showing up in lacklustre skin and pouches under the eyes, it’s way too late. Eight hours of sleep is an outdated notion for many, but make sure you are getting the quantity of rejuvenating sleep your body requires to function at optimal levels – enjoy your high energy levels, general wellbeing, glowing skin and bright eyes.

Thyroid health and function

The thyroid is the grand master gland of metabolism. When it is not functioning properly it can affect your weight, mental outlook, body temperature and energy levels. The thickness and quality of your skin is also dependent on thyroid function, as is whether you have a thick vibrant mane of hair – as problems can lead to loss of hair and waning colour. When your thyroid is not functioning up to par, your body will attempt to conserve energy by redirecting it from non-essential areas, and directing efforts at repair and regeneration to those functions considered more essential. This is why the beauty of your hair and skin are among the first to go when your thyroid starts to give out, along with absorption and utilisation of nutrients.


Thou shalt actively battle stress. Stress is the modern-day plague, a silent killer that creeps around us threateningly. When you allow stress into your lifestyle you open the door to damaging free radicals, poor health and a worn-out appearance. Moderate exercise, massages, yoga postures, meditation techniques and breathing exercises can be helpful in combating the negative effects of stress. Aromatherapy, music therapy, laughter and the company of friends with a youthful, positive attitude towards life can help balance your mind and emotions. Plan well to reduce time-related anxiety and crises, perhaps by keeping a diary.


Keeping your friends close and your enemies far from your mind will keep you looking tip-top. Make plenty of time for your friends because research shows there are many health benefits gained by socialising and laughing with friends. Laughter is an endorphin trigger that reduces certain stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. A healthy body, along with a positive mental outlook, is very sexy indeed.


While the best way to get vitamins and minerals is by eating well, this is not always possible. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are catalysts for good health and can be taken in the form of supplements when your diet is lacking. Once they’re absorbed into your body, they go to work setting off a chain reaction in other parts of your body to produce the necessary elements we need to function. It’s as if you’re treating your internal systems to a good workout. Much like a good trainer, they make sure your body gets what it needs to look your very best and ensure everything’s working properly on a molecular level. Don’t neglect your essential fatty acids to provide tender loving care for your skin as well as your arteries and heart.